A Little Christmas Decor

December 25th, 2009 by Mollie

Some of you may have recognized the live tree we got last year in other pictures.  I managed to keep it alive to use again!  It’s grown some and of course has a bigger container this year.  It’s a little offbeat but so are we, so it suits us. 🙂

I like to decorate differently every year, which is why I bought silver ornaments years ago– they go pretty well with anything, like the black, white, and Tiffany blue that I am loving right now.

Here’s the colorful fabric scrap garland that my mom made me last year, the bright colors were perfect for this year too.  I hang my Christmas cards from it, and it is now almost impossible to see because of all the cards!

Merry Christmas Morning

December 25th, 2009 by Mollie

Merry Christmas!!  This week we have had lots of fun with family and friends, with even more to come.  Hopefully I will get to blog it all now that we have a long weekend!

Look at this excitement– Natalie was soooo happy to wake up to presents this morning!   “It’s Christmas Eve!” she told me.  She is probably confused because we’ve had so many parties and festivities, but she’s loving it all anyway.

Ben was just happy about all the paper laying around, and the music coming from Natalie’s new CD player.  We also heard a lot of this, “No, Ben, is NOT for you!”  She says it politely but firmly, what a good big sister.  She was happy to share her puzzles, though!

I told Andy that we didn’t have to exchange gifts this year, but he surprised me anyway with the Anthro dress I’d been pining after.

Fortunately I knew he wouldn’t be able to resist getting me a present, so I got him this hard drive.

We’re looking forward to a relaxing day and dinner with the Wilkinson’s & Satterbergs tonight!

December Randoms

December 20th, 2009 by Mollie

I have so many things that I mean to post but never end up getting around to, so this month I will try doing it all at once!


I hesitated to post this picture because it is not up to my usual standards (grabbed the camera fast and forgot it was on manual settings wrong for the room) but I am going to because it cracks me up despite the yellowness.  Ben managed to get a hold of this ornament and was crawling around with it dangling from his mouth (hence the rush to photograph).   Whats funnier is he was doing his “I-don’t-want-my-knees-to-touch-this-cold-hard-tile” spider crawl.  I will try to get a video of him doing that, it is the funniest thing ever…


Here is Natalie down at the mailbox to look for Christmas cards.  Why is she dressed like we’re going to the beach?  Because it was 80 degrees out!00004

I haven’t been keeping up with paperwork very well since Ben was born, look at my pile of papers to be shredded.  Good thing I have such an excited helper– too bad she needs constant supervision!   It would have been easier to do it myself.  Oh, and we are still only halfway through, keep having to stop so my poor little shredder doesn’t get overheated and die.


Here’s Natalie and some of her friends down in Old Town Camarillo for the tree lighting, how cute are they?


Both kids are at an age where they like to smile for the camera!! Yes!!


I love the way Natalie curls up into a ball when Andy takes her to bed after reading to her in our room.   She does it the same way every night.  I tried to get a picture but of course she started trying to ham it up so it’s not very authentic.


We had a nice rainy week this month.  Natalie has been asking for months to play with my umbrella, but I won’t let her because of course it would end up damaged somehow.  I told her that we can only use it when it’s raining.  So of course when she woke up and it was raining, she was quick to remind me!   She was more than a little disappointed when her umbrella didn’t help her fly like in “Mary Poppins”, her current favorite movie which she saw at Grandma’s house!

Hope you enjoyed the picture overload… 🙂

Natalie’s “Ginger House”

December 18th, 2009 by Mollie

Last weekend was a rainy one, so this was a fun indoor activity.  I made the first batch of icing way too thick, it was more like fondant… so it was a challenge to get the house to stick together.   But Natalie didn’t care, she was sooooo excited.


We were halfway done by the time she realize everything was edible,I thought that was funny.


Natalie named some of the candies Mommy, Daddy, Natalie and Baby, and put them in “beds” in front of the house.  She had a whole story going on there, she is quite imaginative.


Must. Stop. Baking.

December 4th, 2009 by Mollie

I forgot how much the cooler weather makes me want to stay indoors and BAKE!  In November I made no fewer than 4 batches of Ginger Chewies (the best ginger cookies ever, normally I am not a fan), 2 batches of Peanut Butter Bacon cookies (don’t knock it till you’ve tried it, they’re amazing), a giant pan of brownies, a pot full of pumpkin butter, and two Cranberry-Pecan Tarts… not to mention countless rolls and loaves of bread  from the bread machine. What should I try next??  All I can say is thank goodness for marathon training, which allows me to eat moderate portions of all this goodness and not gain weight.

Natalie and I had so much fun cutting up her pumpkin and turning it into pumpkin butter!  We used this recipe.  But honestly the best part of cooking pumpkins from scratch is roasted pumpkin seeds.  They are so easy and delicious!  Nata is such a great helper in the kitchen.


Every year I try a new dessert for our family holiday parties.  Past desserts have included a 6-layer spice cake with homemade coffee toffee, maple pumpkin cheesecake and last year’s 2-layer pumpkin chocolate cheesecake.  The Cranberry Pecan Tart I made this Thanksgiving was definitely another winner.  My uncle said that pecan pie is his favorite, and this was the best he’d ever tasted… I’m pretty sure there is no higher compliment!


It’s really pretty, too.


As I type, there is yet another tart baking for Andy to take to a party tomorrow, as well as some Maple Pecan Muffins which will be breakfast as I drive to Las Vegas tomorrow morning with my marathon buddies for our big run!  I should probably take a break from the butter and sugar until Christmas, but I doubt that will actually happen.