This year’s Thanksgiving was not what we expected. With just hours to go until Thanksgiving dinner at the Satterburgs, we were hit with the stomach flu! Not the most fun way to spend a long weekend, but at least we can be thankful that we had those days free from our normal work and activities, and didn’t have to feel any guilt over laying around doing nothing.
We did start gearing up for the Christmas season, though. The kids and I went “shopping” in the hand-me-downs box in their closet, and found some great Christmas footie pajamas.

We also hauled out the Christmas decor and did a little decorating. I think this is the last year I will use my live tree. It’s grown a couple feet since last year and doesn’t seem too happy to still be living in a container!

These were two VERY excited tree trimmers. It still looks a little sparse, but Mommy the Head Decorator was starting to get sick and wasn’t feeling terrible motivated. Anyway, its hard enough to get them to leave those ornaments on the tree!

The tree inspired Natalie to dance, so she changed outfits (typical).