Mornings at Home

January 10th, 2010 by Mollie

Our mornings go by pretty quickly.  One errand or activity, plus Ben’s nap, and suddenly it’s time for lunch.  The mornings when we just stay home are always a nice break.

I drag Ben’s high chair into the middle of the kitchen so he can watch me cook and clean while he eats snacks or plays with toys.

Natalie hangs out at the table painting, coloring, or doing playdough.  Or eating snacks.  Did I mention how much my kids like to snack?

Not from the same day I but I wanted to show it anyway… they had so much fun discovering this new playhouse.  They are playing together, or at least alongside each other, a lot these days!

My kitchen creation of the day was these red velvet cupcakes with cinnamon cream cheese frosting, from scratch of course, which I did thanks to a recipe from the site.  The frosting was rich but so yummy!   I disapprove of store bought frosting (inherited that one from mom).  The special occasion was having my girlfriends over for dinner.  I made Fancy Macaroni (with 4 types of fancy cheeses) and it was a hit!  Notice the empty plates.

Christmas Eve Pictures

January 4th, 2010 by Mollie

Let’s go back in time so I can catch up on the last couple Christmas events… I know my family will want to see the pictures!

Christmas Eve was spent at my aunt and uncle’s house, as usual.  It is always a wonderful, welcoming place to spend time with the family.  Andy had to work until noon so we got a late start on the day.  Fortunately Natalie was able to hitch a ride with Grandma and Grandpa so she would not have to miss out on a single minute.  By the time we arrived she had already opened her present and was proudly displaying her baked goods:

What a cute little cookie set (made of wood, with velcro to attach to tray and icing) and baker’s outfit.  I wonder where she learned to love baking?!

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2010: Year of the Zoo

January 1st, 2010 by Mollie

Today we had a wonderful time spending New Year’s Day at the Santa Barbara Zoo!   It will likely be the first of many trips this year, since we bought the family membership pass.  I’m sure it will be a great investment, because Natalie LOVED it!  She used her extra-high-pitched “excited voice” the whole time, that’s how we can tell. 🙂

It was a beautiful day in Santa Barbara, as usual. We got there right when it opened and there were only about 10 cars in the parking lot– NICE!

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A Marathon of a Post

December 30th, 2009 by Mollie

On December 6 I successfully completed my first marathon!  I had been training for it since October along with my sister Jamie and our long time best friend Melanie.  Years ago, Mel and I had set a goal of running a marathon at some point in our lives (Jamie already ran one 4 years ago!), and I am so glad that the timing worked out just right this year.  We traveled to Las Vegas for their inaugural Rock & Roll Marathon, which was sold out with nearly 28,000 people running!

I can think of 3 people who would like to hear the long version (that is  my mom, my aunt, and Hillary!) so I am going to post it here.  It will be nice for me to have it written out to remember someday, too.

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Natalie Meets Santa

December 29th, 2009 by Mollie

This Christmas, it was really fun to see Natalie noticing and getting excited about all the various parts of the holiday season– last year she was just too young to put it all together.  She can recount the Christmas story and sing Christmas songs.  I think my favorite was today’s “Twelve Days of Christmas/Have a Holly Jolly Christmas” mashup– hilarious!!  She loved driving around looking at lights, reading books, decorating, presents, reindeer, everything.

Every year at the McLaughlin family party there is a Santa, who hands out gifts that each parent brings for their own kids.  In the future we plan on telling Natalie that Santa is not a real person but a fun tradition based on Saint Nicholas, however this year I don’t think she could quite comprehend that.  In any case, she was SO EXCITED.  I thought she was going to be too shy to go up and claim her gift, but no!  She knew just what to do.  Yes, her present was the strangest looking one.  And no, its not a mop.

She loves her pony, who has gone through a variety of names, including Carol, Noni, Pink Mr. Ed, Rudolph and Pink Texas. Such typical Natalie.

Here’s all the McLaughlin cousins.  Nata had such a fun time dancing and singing with the other little girls.  She is very friendly and gets along easily.  She was a little worried that the baby next to her was going to touch her stick pony, though, and kept inching away while we were taking pictures.

I think this is such a cute picture of Natalie with my sister Laura!

We came home late that night, and while we were putting Ben to bed, Natalie made up a little bed for herself and her pony on the couch.  Isn’t that sweet?