
February 21st, 2010 by Mollie

Mondays are my new favorite day!   I get one of these delivered to my doorstep:

We signed up for a service called Farmer Fresh To You, which delivers a box of locally grown, organic produce to us each week.  It tastes amazing!  Hannah was asking to see how much comes in a box, so here it is all spread out .  This is the 2nd smallest size: 7 kinds of veggies, 3 kinds of fruits, plus a clove of garlic, a lemon, and an herb.  We don’t order specific things, but they do e-mail us ahead of time telling us what we are getting so that we can substitute if there’s one we don’t like.  This amount is almost enough to get us through a week– I did use a bunch of bananas and some bell peppers in addition to all this.  But it will be perfect when our garden is producing again.

Yes, we are so lucky to live in a place where delicious strawberries are growing in February!  They were big juicy ones too.

It’s fun to try new things.  Turns out the whole family loves baby bok choy! Who would have guessed?  Check out this funky Romanesco cauliflower we got this week.  I made a yummy casserole with it.

Valentine’s Day

February 16th, 2010 by Mollie

Natalie is always thrilled to jump on board with any holiday she learns about, and Valentine’s Day was no exception.  (I’m just glad she doesn’t constantly ask to go trick-or-treating again!)  All week long she looked forward to a Valentine’s party at her friend Ava’s house.  The girls got to decorate crowns, and eat heart shaped sandwiches for lunch.

This is what happens when lunch is left unattended!

These are the Valentines that Natalie and I made and gave this year: iPods!  Complete with Hershey’s Kiss earbuds.  They were a big hit.

Kids At Play

February 12th, 2010 by Mollie

Natalie and Ben are becoming fast friends… mostly.  Ben adores his sister, but sometimes she gets frustrated trying to play with him.  The other day I reminded her to be kind to Ben and not push him.  She responded cheerfully, “I’m not pushing him, I just want to poke him in the eye!”

Don’t worry, this is a genuine hug happening!

The bathroom is Ben’s favorite playground, he takes every opportunity to sneak in.  Tearing toilet paper into tiny pieces is actually one of his least mischievous bathroom activities.

Natalie and her girlfriends are already putting Ben to work and he is only too happy to help out!  He is tiny but he can push them around in the little wagon.

Here’s just a cute one of Nata and her BFF Bekah cozied up watching a movie in my bed on a cold and rainy morning!

Sunshine By The Slice

January 24th, 2010 by Mollie

I’m sure everyone knows by now that we got an entire week of rain last week.  It’s not often that SoCal gets a storm like that, and we personally enjoyed it very much.  The kids and I did end up feeling a little cabin fever by the end of the week.  Going out in the rain is fun the first couple times but after a while it becomes annoying when you get soaked just trying to load the kids into the car!  One day we had some particularly loud thunder, it was actually shaking our house.  Natalie got a real kick out of that.

This recipe for Lemon-Vanilla Tart with Candied Lemon Slices was found in my Better Homes & Gardens magazine  and promised to be “Sunshine by the Slice”.  It was a nice treat in the middle of a very gray week.  So good and tangy and simple, I highly recommend it.  Though if I do it again I might try it with a different pastry, I like a thicker and sweeter crust.

Coloring is Natalie’s favorite rainy day activity.  We went through an unbelievable amount of paper last week.  She especially loves these princess coloring pages.  She’s starting to get the concept of staying in the lines, but truly her favorite thing is watching ME color and directing me what to color next!   Fortunately for her I think coloring is relaxing and I had extra time on my hands last week, so we had nice times together.

We have three rules about crayons:

1. No snapping crayons in half.

2. No tearing the paper off crayons.

3. No dropping crayons on the floor or Ben will eat them.

We make Natalie repeat them to us and it’s always so funny to hear her say them.  She tends to forget numbers 1 and 2 (she seems to have an uncontrollable urge to do those things), but is VERY concerned about #3.  “Ben will eat them ALL GONE!” she says.  Yes, he really will.

A small change

January 13th, 2010 by Toad

My apologies to those of you expecting another of Mollie’s great posts! This is just to advise you all that we’re trying something a little different in our continuing quest against comment spam. As a result, you will no longer see the Captcha letters and numbers when you try to post a comment. If you have any trouble posting comments please let me know and I will look in to it!