Archive for the ‘Life & Times’ Category

Pumpkins & Palm Trees

Posted Sunday, October 31st, 2010 by Mollie

This is our local pumpkin patch.  I love all the palm trees in the background… it’s very California.

The hay maze was a HUGE hit with our kids. They could have run around in there for hours!

Group picture… not so much.

Ben loves to find the biggest pumpkin he can pick up.

On the Farm

Posted Sunday, October 24th, 2010 by Mollie

Last week’s field trip was to the Painted Pony Farm.  It was a rainy week, but the sun came out for just two hours while we were there!  Their pumpkin patch is the real deal– you have to clip it off the vine yourself.

Natalie was NOT interested in holding one of the sweet little chicks, she thought their “claws” would hurt her. Ben was loving the chicks though.  Except, he thought he was supposed to hold them by their heads.  That’s why I don’t have a picture of either of my kids holding a chick like I was hoping for!

Natalie loved the horses best, as usual.  She talks to them, just chattering away.  As for Ben, he was so excited to grab handfuls of pellets to feed to the animals!  This was pretty much the thrill of his life

I visited this very farm many times growing up so it was awesome to see it again.  It’s still run by the same people and looks exactly the same!

Long Beach Marathon

Posted Sunday, October 24th, 2010 by Mollie

Last weekend my dear friend Edith and I ran the Long Beach Marathon!  When we became early morning running buddies last December, and trained for a half-marathon in March, she told me she didn’t think she’d ever run a full marathon.  Then we got lost in the trails of Chesebro Canyon and turned a 2 hour run into 4.5 hours of running and hiking the steep hills… making it through that experience helped convince her to train for a marathon with me!

Look at those beautiful gray skies… 60 degrees and overcast is PERFECT running weather!  Do you see us in our pink jackets?

My mom came along to be our driver/photographer/cheerleader and we are so glad she did!  She even took the bus across town to meet us at the 11 mile marker.  We might not be able to run any more marathons unless mom comes along!   I told Edith that mom would be sure to come up with a cute and catchy sign, she always does:

In the picture on the left, we are at mile 6, feeling great and very excited.   At mile 24, the smiles are mostly fake… we’re nauseous and just wanted to be done!

The race was quite enjoyable… is that weird to say?  The course’s constantly changing scenery kept things interesting.  I got a cramp in my side at mile 11 after I scarfed down a banana and a donut hole (someone was handing them out!) but it was gone within a mile.  Running didn’t even start to feel difficult until mile 17 so that’s when we turned on our iPods.  Sure we were feeling a little sick at the end,  but it was worth it!  We came in at a great time: 4:42!  We were thrilled with the time, as well as the the fact that we got to stay together the whole time, and never stopped to walk.

Our husbands, kids and my mom met us at the finish line for some snacks and the trek back to the cars.  That walk always seems to take forever!   I just wanted to go to bed.

We’re already planning our next run… a half marathon in December!

October Showers

Posted Monday, October 11th, 2010 by Mollie

I have a pink umbrella hanging in my closet, which Natalie frequently begs to play with.  Seeing as it is our only functional umbrella and they are kind of delicate (at least in the hands of a 3-year-old), I always tell her it is NOT a toy and is ONLY for a rainy day.  So last Monday when she woke up and it was randomly pouring rain for the first time in months, I’m sure you can guess what the first thing she asked for was!  It was our day with Will, so we loaded the boys into the stroller (and Natalie still in her pajama pants) and went for a walk.  It was just misting at this point but Natalie still felt the umbrella was necessary.

It was still raining on Wednesday. Natalie got to run back and forth in this passageway while we waited for Andy to pick us up from the optometrist’s office.  The other picture is Ben’s “don’t you dare take me in from this rain” face.

This week we are back to warm, dry weather.  The rainy break was nice while it lasted!

September- A Picture Post

Posted Thursday, September 30th, 2010 by Mollie

Just another day of dress up with Natalie, the Snorkeling Cowgirl Princess in a backwards shirt!

Little Lights had a transportation themed field trip the Oxnard Airport, as well as the train station.  My kids were a little scared of the airplane and Natalie refused to sit in it when she had the chance, but that’s okay.  Maybe transportation isn’t her thing.  I have a feeling next month’s farm field trip will be more her style.

The kids got new pajamas for fall.  This is a REALLY. BIG. DEAL. in our house.   These pictures are blurry because I didn’t use the flash but too cute to not post.

Natalie had her first trip to the dentist.  I am glad I waited till she was a little older because she did amazingly well!  She had a full cleaning, and didn’t have any cavities.  She talks a lot about plaque now.  Ben is also really picking up on oral hygiene.  He loves for us to brush his teeth, and the other day I caught him brushing his baby’s teeth.

It’s great that Ben loves babies because we have a little buddy named Will who comes to our house on Mondays while his mommy works.  The kids ADORE him and it’s so much fun to have him around!  Nata can play on the floor with him for hours, and Ben showers him in kisses.

September was a really busy month but there are some highlights for you at least!