Looks like Natalie might be planning for an early arrival!
I am now:
4cm dilated and 80% effaced
baby is at -3 station
(for those familiar with labor lingo)
In other words, she could wait a week or more, but could very well be here tomorrow!
All this and I can still barely tell when I am having a contraction– not at all what I expected.
Andy and the doctor predict by the end of the week, I am thinking (hoping?) she’ll wait till next week. Please humor me by leaving a comment and making a guess. 😉 Keep in mind, Saturday is a full moon! Don’t babies like to be born during a full moon?
Pictures, just for fun:
Watch my belly grow
“Coming home” outfit
(Andy picked it)
Natalie’s Easter dress!
We’ll keep you all updated. 🙂