Archive for the ‘Life & Times’ Category

Blogging In 2009

Posted Friday, February 6th, 2009 by Mollie

I didn’t make any New Year’s Resolutions this year, but if I had, “Blog more” certainly would  have been one of them!  Hillary blogged today that I inspired her to keep her house tidier, and she has inspired me to make my blog more fun and interesting!  Hopefully I can start posting more frequently and give you a better idea of daily life around here.  It’s nothing unusual, but we love it, and thank those of you who take an interest in it. 🙂

Just to get you up to speed…

1. Natalie is just one month away from turning 2 years old!  She’s a curious girl and becoming SUCH a talker.  It’s fun to hear what she’s been thinking all this time, now that she can verbalize it.  Here she is watching the rain pour down today. After playing outside in the rain, she asked to come inside and put her jammies on.  This girl is not afraid to get wet, but she does NOT like to be cold!


2.  We are less than 2 months away from becoming a family of 4.  Baby Benjamin (Andy says you can call him Ben but NOT Benny) will be making his debut pretty soon!  We are guessing between 8 and 9 pounds and a head full of dark hair… what do you think?

3.  Andy is getting quite elderly, he turns 26 this month!

4.  We’re still living on Camarillo Drive here in Camarillo.  We’ve been here since June and we love it!

Merry Christmas!

Posted Wednesday, December 24th, 2008 by Toad

Look!  We’re still here.  Life goes on, and Natalie continues to get older and cuter!  Today we celebrated Nata’s second Christmas Eve, whereupon she was gifted with pajamas (a tradition from my family).  Unlike last year, she immediately took to opening her gift.

Opening this gift was essentially the culmination of what amounted to days and days of trying (and sometimes not trying) to be good and not open the presents.  She had a fun time and required little assistance.

She was very excited to find her pajamas.  We’re looking forward to spending Christmas Day together, and hoping we won’t be quite as sick as today.

Recently, we had some photos taken by a photographer who attends our Adult Bible Fellowship at our church.  The results speak for themselves.

I’ll include a link to a full-size version in this post once I get it uploaded.

Growing Up

Posted Saturday, August 30th, 2008 by Toad

It really does seem like Natalie has done a lot of growing up recently!  She is coming up on 18 months old, and is having a lot of fun.  She enjoys reading to herself in the car, standing on her head (sort of), and talking, singing, and just making noise.

Just in the last week or two she has come a long ways in trying to repeat us, instead of just saying her “toddlish” word for what we say (for example, toddlish for “shoe” is something like “c’law!”), and has also discovered singing, and her natural talent at emulating the sound a dog makes.  Joanna, this one’s for you:

If you’d like to see that in high definition, I have uploaded a copy at 720p here.  The file is encoded with the Xvid codec.  You can download that here, or just use VLC for windows.

Natalie’s Hummingbirds

Posted Sunday, July 27th, 2008 by Mollie

This week, a pair of hummingbirds seem to have taken up residence in the bougainvillea bush outside Natalie’s window.  Every time we’re changing her clothes or diaper, those birds are sitting on the wire or flying around.  Natalie loves to watch them.  She calls them “bir” (bird) and has also started saying “little” to describe them.  Here’s a couple pictures… it’s really hard to take pictures of hummingbirds, by the way!


They are both in this picture, can you see them?  One is on the lower wire.



Posted Wednesday, July 16th, 2008 by Mollie

This is a funny program that arranges the most frequently used words on your blog, it’s called a “word cloud”.  It’s easy to see what (who) we talk about the most!