We’ve added a new feature! We Toads now have the ability to make “private” posts, for news or pictures that we would prefer kept to friends who love us at least enough to register an account on our blog. As an added bonus for our readers, registered accounts do not need to type in the funky visual codes each time you wish to comment.
Registering an account is just as easy as it sounds. Scroll down a bit; you’ll notice a new “Register” link in the Meta category. That will take you to a shiny blue and white page which will ask you for a username and an e-mail address. Once you’ve input those two pieces of information, a random password will be e-mailed the address you gave. When you come back and log in (via the “Login” link just below the register link), the Register link will be replaced by a “Site Admin” link. Contrary to its scary name, you won’t be able to make any real changes, but you will be able to change your own password, your display name, and some other handy things.
If you encounter any problems with the registration process, please let me know as soon as possible, by whatever means available to you.