Ben’s Birth Story

April 8th, 2009 by Toad

So, by now many of you have probably heard that there is something of a story behind Ben’s birth.  Wonder no longer!

We had been planning since the start of the pregnancy to have a home birth.  It was a very exciting thing for us and we had been enjoying preparing for his arrival.  We did have a midwife, though she wasn’t there for the actual birth.  The plan, of course, was for her to be there for much of the labor process, including the birth, but Ben had other ideas.

Mollie had been up since 5 AM, and was having some contractions every 10 minutes or so.  Around 6:50, she got up to take a shower; on her way in, she woke me up and said, “Honey, I’m pretty sure I’m in labor.”  The contractions had accelerated significantly: once she stood up they were closer to two minutes apart!  I got up and got dressed and ready to call the midwife; after all, labor is hours long, right?

Not so!  During the phone call, Mollie had an obviously significant contraction, and the cell carrier dropped our call.  Before I could call the midwife back, Ben was born in our bathroom at 7:05.

After I handed him off to Mollie, I called the midwife (now on the freeway) back and, after some further instructions, helped Mollie and Ben to the bed.  We enjoyed 15 minutes or so of calm bonding time while Ben had a good cry and Mollie helped him learn to breast feed.

So, everything didn’t really go to plan, but 14-minute labors rarely do, I’d guess, and everything worked out very well.

Andy, Nata, and Ben

In the week since his birth we have already been blessed by his easy-going personality.  He is strong and healthy, and already a pro at nursing and napping.  Natalie is adjusting very well, and is very concerned that he keeps his hats on (“uh-oh, hat back!”).

Our friend Katie Moos was gracious enough to come and document the event.  Here is a slideshow of some of the great pictures she took.  Feel free to ask if you’d like any copies.

Done Waiting! (Update!)

March 31st, 2009 by Toad

Benjamin Michael

Welcome to the world, Ben!

Benjamin Michael was born this morning at 7:05 AM, PDT.  He weighs in at 9 lbs, 9 oz and is 22 inches long — quite a bit bigger than his sister!  He is strong and healthy and Mom all are doing well.

Read the rest of this entry »

Ready and Waiting

March 28th, 2009 by Mollie

We are more than ready for Benjamin’s arrival.  The freezer is stocked with meals, the closet is organized, the cloth diapers are washed, and there’s an abundance of cute outfits ready for him to wear!  We are just days away from his due date (April 1), so it can’t be too much longer, right?

I have been keeping busy playing with Natalie (she’s so fun!), going on outings, doing projects around the house, and taking pictures.   I made this collage of pictures of Ben’s stuff, can you tell I’m starting to get bored?


Natalie is also good and ready, she is practicing to be a big sister.  This morning she told Andy, “Baby Ben is coming!” (we’re still not sure she really understands what that means though).  Here she is proudly carrying her doll around in a sling.


Hopefully we will be posting about Ben’s arrival soon!

Beach Day

March 15th, 2009 by Mollie


Today we took Natalie to the beach.  It isn’t something we do often (not nearly often enough) so it was fun to see what  caught Natalie’s attention.  Last time we went, she was only interested in the birds.  This time she was able to look a little further it was all about the “ships”, as there were a lot of sailboats out on the water today.  She enjoyed watching them and talked a lot about “steering the ship”.



Natalie tripped and fell into the water pretty early on, and lost interest in the ocean.


After the beach, I had to take Andy to my favorite hole-in-the-wall burrito place (from back before we got married!), Pepe’s Mexican Food… it’s by Silver Strand Beach .   He was upset at me for never telling him about it before… it was even yummier than I remembered!  (In my defense Ive tried to take him there before but it was closed.)  I think we have a new family favorite.


Happy 2nd Birthday, Natalie!

March 5th, 2009 by Mollie

As most of you know, Sunday, March 1 was Natalie’s 2nd birthday!  I know that the two’s bring a whole new set of challenges but we are looking forward to helping Natalie grow up into a wonderful person.  We feel blessed already by her naturally sweet and easygoing personality and pray that we can be faithful parents to her.

She’s gone from this (one day old):


To this (one year old):


To this!


The last picture was taken at her birthday party on Saturday.  She had a GREAT time with family and friends.  The look on her face is in response to everyone singing “Happy Birthday”.  It’s her favorite part of a party, whether it’s hers or not!  We let her blow out her candles in the sandbox because she was having such a fun time there.


I have to post a couple more pictures of the cake because I made it mostly from scratch and I’m really proud of how it turned out!  It was a “Southern Style Strawberry Cake” with cream cheese frosting.  Usually I am a strictly chocolate kind of girl, but this one was too fun to pass up!




She’s a very enthusiastic present-opener!  The dress she’s wearing was a present from her Auntie Melanie, and you can’t tell, but she’s got her bathing suit from Aunt Jamie on underneath.  She’s all about putting those gifts to use immediately.


Many thanks to everyone who came, and all those who are a part of Natalie’s life!