One morning Ben came running into the house, very excited and shouting “Mommy mommy! A snake in our yard! Come an’ look!” I was pretty confident that he had NOT seen a snake, but figured I’d better check out whatever he was so worked up about.
Apparently he had never observed a snail before and he was COMPLETELY FASCINATED. He wanted to know all about them. Especially the trail of slime.

Look at that snail, running for his life. Don’t worry, we politely returned him to a bush when we were done observing (we only kill spiders, and sometimes ants). I know my mom is laughing right now because I used to tell her, “Snails are my friends!” and make little homes for them.
PS- I was planning to add a bunch more funnies to this post, but WordPress is giving me trouble this week and won’t save drafts, so I lost a bunch of work. 🙁 Hopefully more blogs coming soon!