I had the best intentions of dedicating a post to Andy on Father’s Day, but life has been crazy busy lately and I haven’t had time to sit at the computer long enough to blog!
We did have a very nice Father’s Day though. Before church, Andy got to open his gift from the kids. “They” got him this awesome Maglite flashlight. It will be a handy weapon light for when Andy walks to the Spooner’s house at night– in case he bumps into one of the weird dogs that sometimes roam our neighborhood!

After church we hosted a barbecue at our house, with both of our dads and their families in attendance. I made a special dessert– Mocha Rum Cake! I saw the recipe a while back and saved it because I knew I’d have to make it for Andy some day. It has all our favorite ingredients: coffee and rum (Andy), Ghiradelli chocolate and three sticks of butter (me). Good thing we were sharing, right??

It turned out soooo well and tasted amazing. I thought the rum flavor might be too strong for our non-drinkers, but everyone really liked it. In case there was any doubt as to how rich and dense this cake was, here is a close-up.

This was Andy’s 3rd Father’s Day, but each year he shows us new ways that he is an awesome dad! In 2009 we have learned that
1. He can fix hair in pigtails really well!
2. He’s way better than me at getting both kids to bed by himself.
3. He can deliver a baby with just 15 minutes notice. Sorry honey! Just trying to keep you on your toes.

A couple favorite pictures of Andy with the kids: