Just an update: Not looking like it’s going to be today! Feeling about the same as yesterday. I’ve felt some stronger contractions, but nothing regular yet– just a few here and there, kinda hard to notice or keep track of. Tomorrow I will see my doctor again so we will see if there are any changes and I will update again. I’m still guessing this weekend at the earliest, more likely next week. I feel way too normal right now to possibly be about to have a baby!
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Not Today
Posted Tuesday, February 27th, 2007 by MollieNot Much Longer
Posted Monday, February 26th, 2007 by Mollie
Looks like Natalie might be planning for an early arrival!
I am now:
4cm dilated and 80% effaced
baby is at -3 station
(for those familiar with labor lingo)
In other words, she could wait a week or more, but could very well be here tomorrow!
All this and I can still barely tell when I am having a contraction– not at all what I expected.
Andy and the doctor predict by the end of the week, I am thinking (hoping?) she’ll wait till next week. Please humor me by leaving a comment and making a guess. 😉 Keep in mind, Saturday is a full moon! Don’t babies like to be born during a full moon?
Pictures, just for fun:
Watch my belly grow
“Coming home” outfit
(Andy picked it)
Natalie’s Easter dress!
We’ll keep you all updated. 🙂
3D Ultrasound and Stuff
Posted Tuesday, January 23rd, 2007 by MollieHere is what everyone’s been waiting for– our second (and more detailed) look at Natalie. We had our 3D/4D ultrasound today and got a few pics of her cute little face! Most of the time however, she had both hands covering her face and then started turning away from the camera. Maybe she was sleepy, she kept yawning! (It was fun to watch.) The doctor was kind enough to do the 3D for free for us since we didn’t get to see her face all that much though. 🙂 Natalie is head down now, too, so that’s good news.
I was just looking at my baby book and it turns out my parents did an ultrasound with me at this exact same time (1/17/1985, at about 31 weeks) and I weighed 5 pounds at that point– the exact same weight the doctor said Natalie was today! Cool coincidence.
Here are the pictures. Who do you think she looks like? I wish I had some of my baby pictures scanned onto the computer. I think she will look like me. Oh yeah, and she has hair, we just didn’t get a picture of it. It was visible on the 2D ultrasound.
From the outside:
ps- I have a Myspace now so add me if you do too. 🙂
22 weeks, 18 to go…
Posted Friday, November 17th, 2006 by MollieAs requested… 🙂
Just after we found out, about 4 weeks along:
And now….
4.5 months and 17 pounds (!!!) later:
My belly button has turned completely inside out, which is… different. I don’t mind if people touch my belly but NOT my belly button, it feels too weird.
Natalie has been on a growth spurt this past week. I can tell because:
1) I have an insatiable appetite and the ability to eat huge amounts of food without getting full,
2) I can feel Natalie moving around a lot stronger this week, including very distinct kicks and punches.
Last night Andy felt her kick for the first time! So she really is getting bigger. She should weigh about a pound now.
Our New Car
Posted Thursday, October 26th, 2006 by MollieI’m posting some pictures to keep you all updated on our lives… since apparently Andy is too much of a slacker to post on this blog any more! He leaves all the work to me! Or maybe he’s just jealous that my posts get more comments than his? Yeah, I think that’s it.
We bought this Mazda yesterday. It’s really nice– practically brand new. Driven for only 3 months. And it’s a manual (Andy’s #1 criteria). As for me, I need a little practice to get back in the swing of driving a stick shift.
Oh, and leave it to me to spill Taco Bell in it on the drive home from the dealership. 🙁 New rule: no preggos eating in the car! I am such a klutz these days!