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Happy 2nd Birthday, Natalie!

Posted Thursday, March 5th, 2009 by Mollie

As most of you know, Sunday, March 1 was Natalie’s 2nd birthday!  I know that the two’s bring a whole new set of challenges but we are looking forward to helping Natalie grow up into a wonderful person.  We feel blessed already by her naturally sweet and easygoing personality and pray that we can be faithful parents to her.

She’s gone from this (one day old):


To this (one year old):


To this!


The last picture was taken at her birthday party on Saturday.  She had a GREAT time with family and friends.  The look on her face is in response to everyone singing “Happy Birthday”.  It’s her favorite part of a party, whether it’s hers or not!  We let her blow out her candles in the sandbox because she was having such a fun time there.


I have to post a couple more pictures of the cake because I made it mostly from scratch and I’m really proud of how it turned out!  It was a “Southern Style Strawberry Cake” with cream cheese frosting.  Usually I am a strictly chocolate kind of girl, but this one was too fun to pass up!




She’s a very enthusiastic present-opener!  The dress she’s wearing was a present from her Auntie Melanie, and you can’t tell, but she’s got her bathing suit from Aunt Jamie on underneath.  She’s all about putting those gifts to use immediately.


Many thanks to everyone who came, and all those who are a part of Natalie’s life!

Sleepy Puppy (Today’s Favorites)

Posted Thursday, February 19th, 2009 by Mollie

I don’t have anything exciting to say today, so I thought I’d share some extra cute/fun things that I enjoyed about a regular old Thursday with Nata.

1. Natalie’s imaginative play…

This afternoon she was playing outside in the dirt (she heads straight for the dirt and rocks!) and I was snapping some pictures of her.  She laid down in the dirt and I asked her what she was doing?  She told me she was a sleepy puppy!  I don’t know why but that cracks me up and I love to see her pretending things.


2. Colorful clothesline…

It was warm and sunny today after a couple weeks of cold and rainy weather.  I love the rain, but the sunshine means I can hang Nata’s cloth diapers on the clothesline instead of using the dryer! It saves us money, and don’t they look so bright and cheerful hanging there?  I had to get a picture.


3.  Fresh flowers…

Tulips to be exact!  I got them for free at church this morning.  I think tulips might be on the verge of passing roses and hydrangeas as my favorite flowers.  I love these white ones on our dresser which I recently painted black.


Happy Valentine’s Day!

Posted Saturday, February 14th, 2009 by Mollie

Today Natalie got to spend time with her cousins (and other extended family) while Andy and I went out for Valentine’s Day lunch.  Can you tell she loves them??



Blogging In 2009

Posted Friday, February 6th, 2009 by Mollie

I didn’t make any New Year’s Resolutions this year, but if I had, “Blog more” certainly would  have been one of them!  Hillary blogged today that I inspired her to keep her house tidier, and she has inspired me to make my blog more fun and interesting!  Hopefully I can start posting more frequently and give you a better idea of daily life around here.  It’s nothing unusual, but we love it, and thank those of you who take an interest in it. 🙂

Just to get you up to speed…

1. Natalie is just one month away from turning 2 years old!  She’s a curious girl and becoming SUCH a talker.  It’s fun to hear what she’s been thinking all this time, now that she can verbalize it.  Here she is watching the rain pour down today. After playing outside in the rain, she asked to come inside and put her jammies on.  This girl is not afraid to get wet, but she does NOT like to be cold!


2.  We are less than 2 months away from becoming a family of 4.  Baby Benjamin (Andy says you can call him Ben but NOT Benny) will be making his debut pretty soon!  We are guessing between 8 and 9 pounds and a head full of dark hair… what do you think?

3.  Andy is getting quite elderly, he turns 26 this month!

4.  We’re still living on Camarillo Drive here in Camarillo.  We’ve been here since June and we love it!

19 Months Old

Posted Friday, October 3rd, 2008 by Mollie
Natalie Paige
at 19 months
  • About 22.5 pounds and 33 inches (at her 18 month checkup). Tall and skinny!
  • My favorite word that she says now: “Happy!”
  • She’s all around a playful kid!  I can’t figure out if she is an introvert or an extrovert.
  • She loves to pick her outfits.  She will also compliment other people on their clothes, or hair (“oooh… preetty!”) or fish for compliments by showing people her own clothes.
  • She is a stargazer.  She loves to look at the “moom” (moon) and “ky” (sky) at night.  One night she was devastated because it was too cloudy to see the moon.  Fortunately our neighbors up the hill have a round window that looks like the moon… we let her believe that was it.
  • She loves to watch “shoooo” (shows) that we have recorded for her, Little Einsteins and Backyardigans.  We try to limit but they come in really handy if mommy isn’t feeling well…
  • She loves to play dress-up now, apparently.  She got a hand-me-down fairy princess costume from her cousin and asks to wear it daily!
  • Despite her petite size she is a great little eater, not picky at all.  All day long she asks for “nom nom nommy”s (snacks).
  • She still has amazing curly hair… still never been cut! (If I had a boy with hair like this, I’d let it stay curly, too.)
  • She doesn’t have a clue about the baby in my tummy, but she is very sweet and gentle with animals, other kids, baby dolls, stuffed animals… I think she will be a natural big sister and am not worried about it at all.
  • She loves to sing songs with hand motions… you know… Itsy Bitsy Spider, Head and Shoulders Knees and Toes, Patty Cake. I have to be careful when I bring it up or she will ask for me to sing them all day.
  • She is sooo much fun!

(singing those little songs with her cousins)