Archive for 2006

22 weeks, 18 to go…

Posted Friday, November 17th, 2006 by Mollie

As requested… 🙂

Just after we found out, about 4 weeks along:


And now….
4.5 months and 17 pounds (!!!) later:


My belly button has turned completely inside out, which is… different.  I don’t mind if people touch my belly but NOT my belly button, it feels too weird.

Natalie has been on a growth spurt this past week.  I can tell because:

1)  I have an insatiable appetite and the ability to eat huge amounts of food without getting full,

2)  I can feel Natalie moving around a lot stronger this week, including very distinct kicks and punches.

Last night Andy felt her kick for the first time!  So she really is getting bigger.  She should  weigh about a pound now.

IMG_1019.JPG  <--- Natalie love

A Shout Out

Posted Wednesday, November 15th, 2006 by Toad

Today, as the calendar tells me, it is November 15th. This is a momentous occasion, for on this day, eighteen years ago, I gained not one sister, but two sisters, at the same time.

Happy birthday Ali & Joj!

Alison & Joanna

The Haps

Posted Saturday, October 28th, 2006 by Toad

So, I’ve been absent for a while, in part because I’ve been trying to stock up on things to say. 😉  However, just when I’d get something cool, Mollie would say it!  Such a good little blogger. 🙂

Today, I went to Pomona to take the Engineer in Training exam, along with 2,000 – 5,000 other people.  The directions are all very clear: things like “OMGWTF, GET HERE RIGHT AT 7:00 OR WE WILL STEAL YOUR FIRSTBORN” and “LEAVE TIME FOR PARKING OR YOU WILL LOSE YOUR IMMORTAL SOUL.”  I didn’t like either of those ideas, so I was sure to be ready to park at 6:25.  What they DIDN’T tell me was that parking would take every one of those 35 minutes I left myself, so when I did park, I was still power-walking for the door.  When I got there, however, I discovered that my effort was all for getting at the back of a 5-row line some 400 feet long, STACKED with people slowly filing in the door.

The actual test took place in a massive barn-like building at the fairgrounds of the Pomona Fairplex (one of three buildings there that the NCEES rented for the occasion).  We were instructed where to sit and what we could have with us, which was virtually nothing (we had to leave all our “forbidden devices” on a table by the door), when to go to the restroom or leave the building, the whole nine yards.  Somehow, all some-hundred proctors they had were from the “overweight, old, mean people’s society,” and the “head proctor” was nice and condescending, to boot.  Yet, for all their strict rules, they were severely lacking in actual punctuality.  The test did not start “EXACTLY AT 8:00 AM”, but at 8:31, and the afternoon session didn’t start until 2:11 PM, meaning I didn’t actually get out until around 6 (I finished early).

The nice thing about the experience, though, was that I got to enjoy two nice long car ride on our lovely LA freeways in our need Mazda 3.  Mollie told you it was nice, and new, and I’m hear to tell you that it owns.  The car is amazingly quiet on the freeway, and handles the (many) irregularities in the road surface with exquisite grace.  Also, I had almost forgotten how much better it is driving a manual than an automatic… this car makes me happy. 😉

Not that I would know at all, but I have a suspicion that the new car might be able to make 0-60 in 7-8 seconds, and top 95 in fourth gear.  Maybe someday someone I don’t know at all will find a long, empty stretch of highway and see where it maxes out… 😛

Our New Car

Posted Thursday, October 26th, 2006 by Mollie

I’m posting some pictures to keep you all updated on our lives… since apparently Andy is too much of a slacker to post on this blog any more!  He leaves all the work to me!  Or maybe he’s just jealous that my posts get more comments than his?  Yeah, I think that’s it.

We bought this Mazda yesterday.  It’s really nice– practically brand new.  Driven for only 3 months.  And it’s a manual (Andy’s #1 criteria).  As for me, I need a little practice to get back in the swing of driving a stick shift.

Oh, and leave it to me to spill Taco Bell in it on the drive home from the dealership.  🙁  New rule: no preggos eating in the car!  I am such a klutz these days!


Meet Natalie Paige!

Posted Friday, October 20th, 2006 by Mollie

Yep, it’s a girl!


So yeah, I was totally wrong about having a boy but that’s okay with me. 🙂 Little Natalie has already managed to surprise her mom, which is NOT easy to do!

The ultrasound was a lot of fun! The still pictures don’t really do it justice, it’s so fun to see everything moving around. I think she was sleepy (my caffeine/sugar drink plan backfired because we had to sit in the waiting room a while!), but at one point she threw her arms over her head and stretched her back– so cute! We could see her little mouth opening and closing, even on the regular 2D. We also did a couple minutes of the 4D ultrasound, which was REALLY neat. Like I said, the baby was sleepy so she was all snuggled up and hiding half of her face, but we still got a pretty good shot.

Everything looks perfect as far as development goes, so that was really nice to hear as well.
Soon we will have more pictures to post. We recorded the whole thing onto VHS and once we get it onto DVD we can do more with pictures/video… so keep checking back if you want to see that! 🙂