Just for Fun

by Mollie

Since the topic of baby gender came up after my last post and I have nothing better to do. ๐Ÿ™‚
First off, I’ve had lots of really realistic dreams (unusual for me). However the boy dreams are always after the birth and the girl dreams are always of an ultrasound. A month ago I was positive it would be a boy.

1st trimester: 3 boy dreams, 1 girl dream
2nd trimester: 2 girl dreams, 1 boy dream

Now for the old wives tales:
-The “string test” says girl. They swear by this method at JC Penney Longview- it worked every time but once!
-The Chinese Lunar Calendar says girl.
Here’s some other info I found online:

You will have a boy if:

-baby’s heartrate is under 140 beats per minute- NO
-you are carrying low and in front- NO
-your urine is bright yellow- NO
-you don’t experience any morning sickness in the first trimester- NO
You will have a girl if:

-your baby’s heartrate is 140 or higher- YES (155)
-you are carrying high and all over- YES (I think, anyway)
-your urine is clear- YES
-you sleep on your right side- MOSTLY YES

So that’s a pretty obvious girl! Okay, so they are pretty darn goofy, but I’ve found over the years that I am rather superstitious. We’ll see if that wins out over my original intuition that it’s a boy in… 10 days.

If anyone has any other silly ways of predicting or wants to make a guess, leave a comment. I like hearing what everyone has to say.

7 Responses to “Just for Fun”

  1. Mom Toad says:

    Well, you did the string (and ring, I assume) test, and that was always my old standby. The only one of my babies it didn’t work on was YOUR HUSBAND. Said he was a girl, which he most certainly was not! IS not ๐Ÿ™‚ My mother is also always, right. Except in the case of your husband again. So you could ask her what she thinks!

    Whatever the sex, baby will be well loved and that matters most ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Toad says:

    Maybe these things are borked for first borns? ๐Ÿ˜‰ And yeah, it was string and ring. There was some definite circling going on.

    I did a casual poll of a few of my friends several weeks ago, and all but one of them said we’d be having a girl first.

  3. Mom Toad says:

    Works for me!

  4. Ma Hoyt says:

    Of course, everyone’s a little different, but here is my take on it….

    Out of five girls and five boys (done fainting yet?), all the boys had heart rates in the lower half, but they were above 140. So being at or around 150 is no guarantee of a girl. Also, I was told by one midwife that it matters more what the heart rate is closer to birth.

    I didn’t get terribly sick with any of them, (it was more a feeling of not being hungry) but what little illness I did experience usually came with the boys.

    MOST first-time mothers carry high. Nothin’s been stretched out, fer cryin’ out loud!

    If you find your skin breaking out in weird skin tags, it’s a boy. (personally, I think it relates to hormones)

    If you…..how shall I say this…..feel like chasing the husband around the bedroom in the last half of pregnancy, it might be a boy. (again, hormones)

    If you’re on your tenth kid and numbers 8 and 9 were boys, you can pretty much figure the last will be a boy, also. God has a sense of humor and yes, He’s probably “out to get you.”

    I didn’t become really great at predicting until towards the end. And I don’t think accuracy in that area a compelling enough reason for having a humongous family.

    But whether many or one, you can’t help but adore them ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. anna says:

    funny. I was always told carry high for a boy and carry low on girl…

  6. Hey! I am a proud mommy of a 7 month old boy! Canaan! =) I would have answered no to all of these as well… and what do you know… he’s a boy! =)

    -babyโ€™s heartrate is under 140 beats per minute- NO
    -you are carrying low and in front- NO
    -your urine is bright yellow- NO
    -you donโ€™t experience any morning sickness in the first trimester- NO

    and would have answered yess to all of these!

    -your babyโ€™s heartrate is 140 or higher- YES (155)
    -you are carrying high and all over- YES (I think, anyway)
    -your urine is clear- YES
    -you sleep on your right side- MOSTLY YES

    Oh well! Its super fun trying to guess though! Good luck! parenthood is the bestest!

  7. Ma Hoyt says:

    I’m guessin’ “boy.”

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