Are you wondering what ever happened to our tidy little garden? Right now it looks like a tangled jungle of zucchini and tomato plants– wow, those things can really grow. The zucchini has been steadily producing 2-3 fruits a week for us all summer long, which has been wonderful, as it is a family favorite! When California got it’s heat wave a few weeks ago, the grape tomatoes finally turned red. I love putting lots of them in salads, and Natalie is happy to just pop them in her mouth. (Andy still maintains that he does not like the taste of plain tomatoes in a salad. How sad for him!)
This week we picked a large bag full of Roma tomatoes. It seemed like they all ripened at once, and we had to figure out what on earth to do with all of them this Labor Day weekend!
Andy made salsa… it tasted amazing! I made tomato sauce and used it to make three dishes of lasagna. Not bad! The extra effort of growing our own vegetables has actually been so much fun. I think we’d like to be farmers “when we grow up”. 🙂