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Don’t give up on me yet…

Posted Wednesday, July 26th, 2006 by Mollie

I meant to post more often, but it’s already been almost two weeks! I promise it’s because we haven’t done anything interesting. I still go to the gym a lot and make brownies way too often (learned to make them from scratch… WAY to convenient now!). That’s about it.
The weather has been crazy though, so hot and humid. I walk outside and it feels exactly like I am back in Texas! Very eerie! Thankfully our air conditioning finally works, so I don’t have to retreat to the grocery store or other cool places in the afternoon when the house heats up.

Tomorrow night we are going to the Hollywood Bowl, so perhaps I will have some pictures and something interesting to say about that. Jamie got us free tickets. Yay for musician sisters with connections!

I still don’t know how to post pictures. Sorry! Keep coming back for more updates.

New Habit?

Posted Friday, July 14th, 2006 by Mollie

Hello everyone, this is Mollie.  I’m finally posting!  I will try to make it a habit, I promise.

Since we moved back to California, I have pretty much just been taking it easy and being a housewife.  It’s a lot of fun!  It’s nice to have time to do the chores, errands, and cooking before Andy gets home so we can spend time relaxing together, and I’m not exhausted and mentally drained at the end of the day like I was when I worked full time.

A typical day for me starts at 7.  I drop Andy off at work at 8 and head to the gym for a couple hours.  I run 3-5 miles a day, then either lift weights or take an hour-long class- cycling, pilates, or yoga.  The rest of the morning, I usually do stuff around the house- straighten everything up, do any cleaning that needs to be done, water my plants, etc.  After lunch I run errands or do fun stuff.  I read, go shopping, go to the beach, go to my parent’s house and scrapbook with my sister… stuff like that.  In the evening, we hang out with our friends, go out, take long walks around the neighborhood, or just sit around the house.  It’s nothing exciting, but I love it!

We started a little project when we first moved here that kept me busy for a couple weeks… tearing down the wallpaper in the living room and painting the walls.  The wallpaper was really… um… funky… and I could not stand it, so I was happy when the landlords said they didn’t like it either.  I will post some before and after pictures soon, it is SUCH an improvement.  I can’t post any right now because I don’t know how and Andy is still in Arizona, but I will.  Anyway our place is so cute, I really like it.  Much better than apartment living.

Well, that is all I have to say today.  I need to start packing for our trip to Vegas, then it’s off to Trader Joe’s (my fave grocery store and one of the best things about being back in California!) for some food to take on the trip.  I am not eating overpriced, fattening food all weekend!!

You should leave me some comments, it might encourage me to post again. 🙂