(Prepare for a picture overload!)
Life is pretty good for our 13-month-old girl. She is really enjoying life and learning so much! Her favorite thing to do is play outside. I say, “Natalie, do you want to go outside?” and she gets a huge grin, throws her arms up and says, “buh-bye?”
Other words she is saying are Mama, Dada, Nata, hi, hello, all done, and dog. A few times she has said something that sounds like “outside”. I think she is working on that one.

There she is hanging out in the our backyard. We spend a lot of time back there these days. Note: The hat she is wearing is like a newsboy cap that is too big for her, NOT a bonnet (someone thought it was… Laura I think) . Notice she isn’t looking at the camera in any of these pictures? She’s way too busy to stop for the camera… most of the time. Occasionally she’s really into posing…

An acquaintance who works for Disney sent Natalie a huge bag of Disney merchandise, including these sparkly shoes and pink princess purse. You can tell Natalie feels SO special in them!

Shopping and texting? Just like mama. She also pretends to talk on the phone.
I call Natalie my “little mommy” because she is so sweet and loving to her stuffed animals. She loves to hug and kiss and pat their backs.

Again, she’s SO THRILLED to be OUTSIDE! The arms over the head is another new thing

In that last picture she is waiting impatiently for Andy to get home for work. She gets so excited when I tell her that he’s on his way home. Like my makeshift baby gate? Our screen door finally broke for good. If you have opened or closed our screen door in the last 6 months you know what I am talking about, haha.
We took a trip to the Santa Barbara Zoo for Natalie’s 1st birthday, a McLaughlin family tradition. She loved it! Her favorite was the anteater. She kept exclaiming “Dah, dah!” (dog). She loves animals.

Another big “first” was her first trip to the beach! It was kind of cold and windy, but she enjoyed it.

Hopefully that has caught you up with what Natalie has been doing since her first birthday! She is a very busy little girl who keeps her parents constantly entertained.