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Natalie’s Hummingbirds

Posted Sunday, July 27th, 2008 by Mollie

This week, a pair of hummingbirds seem to have taken up residence in the bougainvillea bush outside Natalie’s window.  Every time we’re changing her clothes or diaper, those birds are sitting on the wire or flying around.  Natalie loves to watch them.  She calls them “bir” (bird) and has also started saying “little” to describe them.  Here’s a couple pictures… it’s really hard to take pictures of hummingbirds, by the way!


They are both in this picture, can you see them?  One is on the lower wire.



Posted Wednesday, July 16th, 2008 by Mollie

This is a funny program that arranges the most frequently used words on your blog, it’s called a “word cloud”.  It’s easy to see what (who) we talk about the most!

Growing Up With Cousins

Posted Monday, July 7th, 2008 by Mollie

What a difference 6 months makes!

January ’08:


July ’08



Maybe next time we will remember to take the group picture when everyone is rested and happy? 🙂  The kids had a great time together for the 4th of July weekend!

Come on, People…

Posted Wednesday, May 28th, 2008 by Mollie

Andy told me we had record numbers of subscribers after last week’s post! Yay!

However, we did not have a record number of comments. What’s up with that?

I’m thinking about blogging more, as I have lots to say sometimes, but the lack of feedback is pretty discouraging. If you read a post, at least leave me a comment so I know you care!  It’s the polite thing to do in the blogging world.

Thank you to the regular commenters… you know who you are, and so do I. We’re really glad you enjoy our pictures and news! 🙂

Now, a few pictures from this past weekend… it was a busy one! A wedding shower for my friend Bethany (complete with toilet paper wedding gowns… Natalie was in paradise) and a trip to Oceanside to visit the JCJC Wilkinsons (they have some cute pictures as well! Check them out and leave a comment!).




(That’s my team’s dress, which won the contest, by the way… just had to brag about that!)



Exciting News!

Posted Thursday, May 22nd, 2008 by Mollie

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