Someone Turned Two…

by Mollie

I have not forgotten that Benjamin had a birthday last week!  I have lots to share about him because he is such a hoot, but not enough time to write up a post, or even process all the pictures.  I have some video to share of him, too… he’s talking so much and doing so many funny things, it really deserves a full post!  Coming soon…


3 Responses to “Someone Turned Two…”

  1. bobnlori says:

    Hello there, We can tell that Ben liked his cake! That look on his face. And Natalie had a great time, too! We’ll look forward to the full post for Ben. Love you all…

  2. Hillary says:

    Are those polka-dots on the cake! That is too cute! You are so busy with birthdays at the beginning of the year! Looks like you do a very good job with them!

  3. Jennifer says:

    Looking forward to the full post! Two is such a fun age! 🙂

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