Photo Hike

by Mollie

Our favorite weekend family activity these days is hiking.  The kids absolutely love it- they  run and climb and throw rocks and chase lizards until they are exhausted and sleep REALLY well that night!  My ulterior motive is turning these “nature walks” into “photography walks”.  I’m trying to scout good locations around Camarillo, since I’m hoping to test the waters of taking on my own photography clients for photo shoots by the end of the year!  The lighting wasn’t perfect since it was a little early in the evening, but I suppose that is good practice for me as well.  What do you think?  Does this place have potential for family photos?

Out takes: just pretend they’re smiling, okay?

P.S.– Natalie would want you to know that those are not tights or leg warmers on her legs, they are “bug protectors” which are very important when hiking!

5 Responses to “Photo Hike”

  1. bobnlori says:

    Yes, this place certainly has potential for family pictures!
    We’re anxious to see you all in person in not very many days!
    Good for Natalie, wearing bug-protectors. I often need those, too! Or pay for it with amazing bites!
    Andy needs to take a picture with you in it sometimes.

    Gma (G-gma)

  2. Hillary says:

    family shots would look amazing! I am so glad you are going to start shooting on your own! I know you’ll be amazing!

  3. Chelsie says:

    beautiful location! definitely add it to the portfolio:) although you should add a disclaimer that there’s just no way anyone else’s kids will look as cute, since it’s just not possible!

  4. Bethany says:

    Such sweet photos! I just love the ones of Nata and Ben sitting on the log with her arms wrapped around him. Adorable!

    And…I love the bug protectors 😉

  5. Gramma Julie says:

    I can’t wait to go on a hike with you guys there at Mission Canyon park. I’ve got to find me some ‘bug protectors’.

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