They let me hide the eggs… so fun!
Natalie loves this game!
Ben enjoyed the hunt as well. He’s up for anything that involves crawling through bushes and putting stuff in his mouth.
We thought that this bucket of Easter grass would be a great way to keep the kids (that’s our friend Aspen, who is 1 month older than Ben) sitting still for a picture. Turns out it’s impossible to get them to look at a camera with that kind of distraction around!
How fun to enjoy the Easter egg hunt with Nata and Ben. I see what you mean about the Easter grass – just another distraction. Ben takes part in all the activities, doesn’t he? Good for him! Natalie looks so pretty, and so serious about the hunt!
It was fun watching the looks of dismay as Ben munched on the “Slaved over-Easter-Eggs”. Hes really good at finding them, too!
Adorable pictures! Ben and Natalie look like they really enjoyed it!
Cute! Egg hunting was really exciting this year! At least you attempted a picture with both kids, I realized I didn’t get a family or kids pic this year! Oh well!