In Living Color!

by Toad

Behold, Natalie Paige in her 2007 Internet Video Debut! She was talking and talking, so I grabbed the camera to take some video, and she quieted right down. Go figure! But here she is, for your enjoyment. 🙂

As an added bonus, here’s a few of the latest pictures, too.

Big Happy Smile!


Nata the Explorer

Big Blue Eyes

Smiling Girl

6 Responses to “In Living Color!”

  1. Mom Toad says:

    Yay for video! She’s such a cutie. You need to be more sneaky with the camera, then maybe she’ll keep talking. You distracted her! 🙂

  2. Uncle Mike & Aunt Argelia says:

    Nice video and pictures… what a cutey!

    We hope you are all doing well.

    Uncle Mike & Aunt Argelia

  3. Grandma Wilkie says:

    What a sweet little girl! Can’t wait to see her next month. She sure has a pretty smile.

  4. Angela says:

    oh, what a doll! she sure looked curious about your camera 🙂

  5. Squeech says:

    Hey, she winked at me!

  6. Dad says:

    What great pics and video. Ali, Joj and I enjoyed them together while eating dinner at Subway.

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